My Supply Kit for Ecoprinting in COLOR for my online students in my Botanical printing Workshops! ( Designed to accompany my online classes, PDF Tutorial or the DIY ecoprinter! Perfect basic combo package for the ecoprinter. Perfect for those with my PDF Tutorial "Ecoprint in Color!" (
(Please note that I also have a combo kit that is identical to my "in-person" workshops that includes silk as well as WOOL! Ask if you are not sure which to purchase!)
These are the same supply kits that I use in my in-person workshops! The kits are also perfect for the DIY crafter not enrolled in a class who just wants to play without the mess of mixing dyes! Look at the student examples of what you can produce with the dye blankets. This dye is specific for protein fibers! Please note that "How to Ecoprint " instructions are NOT included.
Creating Natural imprints from plants in botanical printing is exciting! But there is no doubt that adding a background color of blue, purple, brown, red....anything, can be super exciting! In this kit I use PRE-dyed "blankets" for ease of use for my students. The workshops where I use these kits are designed to introduce the techniques of dye blankets to students and open up doors for exploration! Regardless of your dye preference, the techniques to create a background color on ANY fabric are the same! You can get up to 3 additional imprints before re-dyeing your pre-dyed blankets!
Student Supply Package for Ecoprinting in COLOR:
•2 Wood dowels-10” in length
•1/2 oz package of Iron (ferrous sulfate) mordant plus mixing instructions
* 1/2 oz package of potassium aluminum sulfate (alum)
•2 silk scarf 8” x 54” (hemmed)
• 2 pre-dyed blankets -a dye mix but mainly in the blue to purple range that are 9" x 45-55" Can vary-Natural ends are lovely! Look at my student results!
•Twine, rubber bands
* List of additional Supplies needed-most found in your home
* Mordant mixing instructions
* Dye blanket instructions for replenishing
Enjoy a whole new world of Nature from your own backyard!
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Ecoprint in Color Supply Package for Online Botanical Printer Class, Combo Packa
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